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Sealtite FGUA and Food Grade Fittings

NOW CSA and UL Approved

ANAMET achieves CSA and UL Approval on SEALTITE FGUA flexible conduit:

ANAMET Canada is pleased to announce that we have recently received CSA approval on our Anaconda SEALTITE FGUA flexible conduit. This conduit is also rated Food Grade – Splash Zone approved by NSF. When combined with ANAMET’s Food Grade – Food Zone (Indirect) Sealtite Fittings, food processing companies and OEMs have a complete system to protect their wiring while providing the highest possible food safety.

Protect your wiring with CSA approved Hygienic flexible conduit:

In the past, many food industry processing plants and OEM machine makers have had to compromise to meet electrical standards and have not been able to use the optimal product for hygiene.   With the addition of CSA to our Splash Zone rated SEALTITE FGUA, these plants can now use an approved electrical solution that also meets NSF’s hygienic requirements.

ANAMET Canada Inc.
36 Wolfe St., P.O. Box 240
Frankford, Ontario, Canada
K0K 2C0

  • Tel:  +1 (613) 398-1313

  • Fax: +1 (613) 398-6262

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