With factories in USA, Canada and Europe the ANAMET Group is a global organization.
ANAMET Canada supports sales for Canada and Brazil, and manufactures Aluminum and Non-metallic conduits for all sister companies.
ANAMET Electrical in the USA supports sales for the US, Mexico as well as Australia and manufactures speciatly SEALTITE and Ultraflex for all sister companies.
ANAMET Europe supports sales in Europe, Middle East, India and Asia. ANAMET Europe manufactures specialty SEALTITE products and inventories the fittings for the global group.
The headquarter of Anamet is Anamet Inc. in USA. With factories in USA, Canada and Europe the Anamet Group is a global organization. In the field of sales & marketing Anamet Electrical Inc. is responsible for the USA and sells in North America, Anamet Canada is responsible for the sales in Canada and Anamet Europe B.V. is responsible for Europe.
The programs of the each group member is in some ways different. For that reason all inquiries, with products from this catalogue, for outside North America and Canada are handled by Anamet Europe B.V.. These inquiries should be addressed to the export department of Anamet Europe B.V. who will take care of the follow up.